🔔 Open Fridays: Noon to 5pm; 11:00am to 5pm - Saturdays and Sundays
{ 10-830 Dufferin Ave, back alley behind Amigos and The Bike Doctor }

Weekly Indulgence

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  • Museo MK6 Espresso

    Flavours of Broadway – Museo Kenya Espresso Bonbons

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    $5.75 Add to cart

    Museo Craft Coffee Roasters on Broadway Ave is a small-batch roaster and coffee bar, owner operated since 2007.

    This rendition use Museo’s Kenya Espresso. Kenya coffee has notes of lemony citrus which suits the Arauquita cacao’s complex yet delicate citrus, honey, and nutty flavors.

    Those delicious coffee flavours create a beautiful ganache made with intense MonKKey Columbian Arauquita DarKeto 80%. All nestled in a crisp shell of TOTALLY! Arauquita MilKeto.

    Savour the flavours as a true connoisseur: take a small bite. What complex chocolate and coffee favours do you detect?

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